Explore the multitude of activities on offer

snooc la plagne
Champagny Domaine nordique
Balade entre amis en raquettes La Plagne
Colorado Luge La Plagne
Trio de tyroliennes à La Plagne
Via Ferrata à La Plagne
Molky entre amis au bord du plan d'eau à La Plagne
Descente en VTT du Bike Park de La Plagne
Bataille d'eau pendant une randonnée à La Plagne
Rando Champagny
Vtt au coeur de la nature à La Plagne

However you are thinking of spending your time during your mountain holiday, La Plagne will be delighted to fill your days! Some people want to recharge their batteries, some need to be physically active, some just want to have fun and others prefer to spend time with their family. After all, there is no one way to enjoy a holiday. The Alps are a little like a treasure chest and our resort is dedicated to creating “little gems” for you: moments you will remember your whole life.

You're going to love it!

Our personalised recommendations for an un-for-gettable holiday!

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Super Huit
From 12 to 14 July 2024
LA 6000D
From 25 to 27 july 2024
Original experiences
Emotions & sensations
Bobsleigh, skeleton, sled
Unique in france